Joining our 30 strong delegation from Aoteaora .. counting down and getting prepared to tattoo at the most beautiful venue ever!! Bound for Moorea, Tahiti 11th to 22nd September and taking bookings! This is a good amount of time to work on some larger pieces and I will be feeling super chilled Im sure. Fill in a booking form if you are interesting. So looking forward to catching all my indigenous tatau friends!!



We are blessed in Aotearoa to have an arts funding body that helps support Artist and Art Audience Projects. Creative New Zealand has supported some of our artists on this journey and at various times in the past many of the participating artists have enjoyed CNZ support. This also holds significance because our indigenous art of tatau/moko is considered an art under their guidelines which is not the case for mainstream tattoo. A BIG THANK YOU 🙏 and may indigenous arts always have the utmost value in New Zealand society.